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Fire drills are carried out in a creative manner, and one will not panic in the face of a fire

Release Time:2021-04-06 01:20:17

On September 20, 2017, Changzhou Yingchuang Rolling Plastic Co., Ltd., in order to further strengthen fire safety work, enhance employees' fire safety awareness, improve emergency escape ability, correctly use fire extinguishers and escape methods, and in accordance with the company's annual safety activity plan, Yingchuang employees and the High tech Zone Fire Brigade jointly participated in the fire drill activity.

Before the drill begins, the company's safety manager leads the fire brigade to conduct safety inspections in various workshops of the enterprise, especially in key fire safety prevention areas and the allocation of fire facilities and equipment.

Subsequently, the leaders of the fire brigade summarized the inspection results and organized fire drills.

The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the vast number of employees engaged in business innovation and rotational molding through the exercise; Prevention First, Safety First; Enhance the awareness of self rescue and scientific escape ability of employees; Cultivate employees' spirit of mutual assistance and escape ability in emergency situations; Enable everyone to truly learn, understand, and use fire extinguishers, proficiently master the essentials of using them, enhance fire safety awareness, and institutionalize factory fire safety activities.


  • Name:Mr. Ye
  • Tel:+8618136719595
  • Address:No. 68 Zhongxiang Road, Huangchengdun Industrial Park, Chunjiang Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou City