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What other aspects do you need to pay attention to when storing rotational molding molds?

Release Time:2023-09-28 10:59:40

Any product must be stored after production is completed, and there are many things to pay attention to during storage for the convenience of next use. Today, we will mainly talk about the aspects that need to be paid attention to when placing rotational molding molds. Interested friends can read together.

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After use, the rotational molding mold must be placed according to the requirements, so that it can be used directly the next time. In order to prevent some problems, it is not allowed to store them in damp or dusty areas, and of course, they should not be placed in the open air. If possible, you should choose to place them in a dry and ventilated environment that is not easy to dust, and there should be no corrosive substances or gases. There are also certain temperature requirements, which can be maintained below 70% to prevent rust and dust collection, If conditions permit, a mold library can be established for placement. If conditions do not permit, simply follow the method suggested by the editor.

For friends who are familiar with rotational molding molds, they all know that due to its large and hollow shape, although it is not as heavy as other plastic molds in terms of mass and unit, its volume is relatively large, so the overall weight is also relatively large. At this time, it is necessary to store the large and heavy molds in a spacious and easily accessible place, and place some sleepers or wooden frames under them, which should be square and neat, And no heavy objects can be pressed on top of it. If the space is limited, you can build a mold frame to borrow space. Place some heavier molds on the ground, while placing smaller ones on the shelves requires wiping them clean when storing them. Its parting surface flanges and ventilation holes can be wrapped with plastic bags or oil paper. This is done to prevent moisture, dust, and debris from entering its interior.

From this, it can be seen that the storage of rotational molding molds still needs to pay attention to methods, and in order to better use them next time, they must be placed according to requirements. Alright, that's all for today's article. I hope it can bring some help to relevant people. If you still don't understand, you can come to the website for consultation. I can answer any question for you. We will definitely do it to your satisfaction.


  • Name:Mr. Ye
  • Tel:+8618136719595
  • Address:No. 68 Zhongxiang Road, Huangchengdun Industrial Park, Chunjiang Town, Xinbei District, Changzhou City