What are the process characteristics of rotational molding equipment?

1. Suitable for the production and manufacturing of multiple varieties and small batches of plastic products.
Due to the fact that the mold used for rotational molding is not subjected to external forces, the mold is simple, inexpensive, and easy to manufacture. In addition, the rotational molding equipment also has great maneuverability. A rotational molding equipment can install both a large mold and multiple small molds. It can not only mold products of different sizes, but also simultaneously shape products of extremely different sizes and shapes. As long as the raw materials used for the rotational molding products are the same and the thickness of the products is equivalent, they can be formed simultaneously. Therefore, the rotational molding process has greater flexibility compared to other molding methods.
2. Save raw materials.
The wall thickness of rotational molded products is relatively uniform and the chamfer is slightly thicker, so it can fully utilize the material's efficiency and is conducive to saving raw materials. In addition, during the rotational molding process, there are no waste materials such as runners and gates. Once debugged, there is almost no material returned to the furnace during the production process. Therefore, the rotational molding equipment has a high utilization rate of materials for this process.
3. Suitable for forming hollow parts of various complex shapes.
In the process of rotational molding, materials are gradually coated and deposited on the inner surface of the mold, and the products have a strong replication ability for Fine structure such as patterns on the mold cavity. At the same time, because the mold is not subject to external pressure in the molding process, it can be directly made with Fine structure and complex shape by precision casting and other methods.